Your big day is looming and still there are so many things that need to be done. As you watch your jittery bride and her anxious parents labor to put together your wedding you just smile as you get to sit back and enjoy the ride. Or do you? Most grooms have a million things to do themselves. Take a deep breath because I'm going to give you, the nervous bridegroom some fabulous tips on making this a wedding you will never forget.
Besides just deciding on what tux to wear, both bride and groom of course decide on wedding theme, colors and food, and wedding favors, gifts for siblings and family members not to mention what guests to invite. But let's look at some little things that are just as important. Gifts for groomsmen is a good place to start.
Of course you want to invite your special buds to celebrate this day with you, heck you probably have known them longer than your blushing bride to be. You went through school with them, football try outs and college. A zillion memories are tied up with those guys. You want to give them something special, something unique. Let's look at some great gift ideas.
First on our list is a brushed, silver pocket watch that can be monogramed. This need not be expensive but it's an elegant gift they can use everyday for many years to come. Moving right along you might be interested in a chic business card case, smartly designed, it can be personalized with initials and in today's busy working society it's a fashionable yet necessary addition for any businessman. Perhaps he is the kind of guy who likes getting up early on Saturday mornings and putting a few balls around on the golf course. For this cool cat you might surprise him with a striking crystal golf club that can be used as an elegant paper weight. Whatever you decide on be sure to take into account wether your friend is in to sports or an up and coming business man. One important tip to remember is what gift would you enjoy receiving?
As far as choosing gifts for your parents and inlaws, this can be done quiet simply, ask your lovely bride to be to help with the selection. Most brides have well honed shopping skills and will feel flattered you asked for their help.
Now for the most special gift of all, a present for your lovely bride. Let's give her credit guys, she stole your heart, kept you sleepless, and even caused you to happily give up watching Monday night football with your buds, at least for awhile. Now, as you tromp around the malls window shopping and even going so far as to timidly ask help from some matronly, sales woman, remember, your bride is number one in your life, the woman you chose for all time and whom you want to grow old with. Only the best for her!
One fabulous gift she might like is a lusterous pearl necklace. Pearls add a lovely glow to the skin and can be worn on many different occasions and functions. If she is a girl who likes bling, and you would know best what her favorite jewel is, choose an exqusite gem stone and have it set as a pendant in a necklace. She will treasure it most of all because it came from YOU! Perhaps she likes crystal or antiques, the tip here guys is make it unique and personal, a gift she will treasure for all your years together.
Now one last tip, relax, be good to yourself, indulge, go some place special with your friends and siblings, have a massage, go fishing. The key here is have fun! Do something for you, to help take the edge off, after all you don't get married everyday.
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