The balance between life and death once again swung for Sarbjit Singh, sentenced to death by a Pakistani court in 1990 on charges of being a terrorist. On Wednesday a Pakistani court again rejected his review petition. His lawyer didn't turn up, apparently because he hasn't been paid his fees.
In India, Sarabjit's family was again left pleading for his life.
Said his wife Sukhpreet Kaur: "I would like to request both the governments to please come to an agreement and release my husband who is innocent and has suffered a lot."
So, what are Sarabjit Singh's options now?
First, if his lawyer submits an application in the court giving reasons why he could not appear and ask for another hearing of the review petition.
Second, the presidential pardon -- that is if the President Asif Ali Zardari accepts his mercy petition.
And third, if the Pakistan government passes the law of commuting all death sentences to life imprisonment. The law was proposed last year by the PPP-led government.
"We will appeal this decision," says Rana Abdul Hamid, Sarabjit's former lawyer.
Sarbjit Singh has spent the past few years between hope and despair. This latest development just another blow to a man who is fighting for a second chance.
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