Pakistan transsexual volunteers has announced the frist organization in the country. The organization chief Bindya Baji told the reporters that this organization will help the transexuals to work for their rights. Bindya Baji is a guru in karachi and an influencial person among transexuals. The name of the organization is Boet. There are more than 300 members in this organization and will register more members through out the country.
Bindya Baji thanks to chief justice of pakistan who ordered to government to register all the transexual in the country. The transexuals are facing problems in the society. The society does not accept them and they do not have access to the facilities like jobs and other means. this is the reason the transexuals in pakistan starts begging and other low profile activities.
Bindya also said that there are not many demands from our organization, just we want to be acceptable in the society like other citizens.
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